Alcohol Treatment in Worcester, MA

Millions of people around the country are struggling with problems with alcohol. Alcohol is a highly addictive drug that many people dismiss as less harmful than other drugs merely because it is legally obtainable. However, alcohol can be just as dangerous as any other illegal drug and might even be more dangerous because so many people consume it in large quantities recreationally. If you are one of the unfortunate people that have developed an alcohol addiction, you are not alone and there is help available to you in the form of alcohol treatment in Worcester.

Alcohol addiction treatment programs are designed with the express purpose of helping a person through their alcohol addiction recovery process so that they get clean and sober but also helping that person achieve long-term and even lifelong alcohol addiction recovery from their alcohol addiction. Get to know more of the important facts about alcohol treatment in Worcester as well as the ways in which alcohol addiction treatment programs can give you the care and support you need to completely recover from your alcohol addiction.

What Is Alcohol Addiction?

Fully understanding the benefits of alcohol treatment in Worcester depends on an understanding of the basics of alcohol addiction. An alcohol addiction is a disease. This is one fact that many people tend to misunderstand or disregard entirely. Alcoholism is not a mental weakness and it is not an issue that can be resolved with a higher level of willpower. It is a disease which means it has a physical component in addition to the mental and emotional components.

When a person has an addiction to alcohol, their body (and specifically their brain) is physically dependent on alcohol to function on a regular daily basis. Generally speaking, a person will begin to use and abuse alcohol for emotional reasons or mental reasons. However, once the alcohol is in a person's body, it begins to have physical effects.

The alcohol will travel through the bloodstream and will eventually arrive at the brain. Once the alcohol reaches the brain, it will begin to send the brain various signals. The signals are instructions regarding processes to initiate and those to stop. When a person continues to consume alcohol habitually over time, the brain will change its wiring and the balances of hormones and chemicals in the brain and body to accommodate the instructions it always receives from alcohol. This is a chemical dependence and is the basis for the physical side of an addiction to alcohol.

The reason that alcohol addiction treatment programs are so important is that there are these two major components and sides of an addiction to alcohol and both need to be properly addressed in order to successfully overcome alcoholism on a long-term basis.

Alcohol Addiction Signs and Symptoms

When a person is suffering from an alcohol addiction and they are in need of alcohol treatment in Worcester, they will exhibit a wide array of signs and symptoms that they are struggling with this addiction. Some of the most common signs of alcohol addiction discussed in alcohol addiction recovery include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Alcohol cravings
  • Increased tolerance to alcohol
  • Frequent binge drinking
  • Blacking out while drinking
  • Poor work performance
  • Increased absences from work or social activities
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Frequently smelling of alcohol
  • Hiding alcohol
  • Drinking in situations that are inappropriate
  • Drinking alone

Why Should I Enter an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center?

An alcohol addiction is not something that you can think yourself out of. It is a diagnosable disease that requires treatment to be successfully dealt with. The main reason to seek out alcohol treatment in Worcester is that if you had any other disease, like diabetes, you would not decide to forgo treatment and try to will your diabetes away. So, you should not try to do that with your alcohol addiction either.

Alcohol addiction treatment programs have been carefully designed to help you overcome your mental and physical addictions to alcohol. The first step in the alcohol addiction recovery process is to go through detox. Medical detox in Worcester gets alcohol out of your system and helps you get through the withdrawal symptoms you will experience in the process. Going through alcohol detox at home can be difficult and even dangerous. In an alcohol addiction treatment center, though, you can get medical care and treatment to help manage detox and reduce the severity of your withdrawal symptoms.

After detox, alcohol addiction treatment can help you to overcome your mental and emotional dependence on alcohol. This will allow you to go through individual and group therapy as well as other options like art therapy, restorative yoga, and other options to help you understand why you started abusing alcohol and how to cope with those issues in healthier ways so you can avoid alcohol abuse in the future. The professionals who work in drug withdrawal treatment programs are always ready and available to answer your questions so call Worcester Drug Rehab Centers today. (877) 804-1531.

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